Wifi, Wireless, Guest Network Installs. Large or Small. Farms, Business, Schools & Homes

We can provide and install small or large professional short and long range wifi networks that can be used to carry:

  • Internet Services / wifi / guest wifi -  over IP
  • CCTV - over IP
  • Telephone Systems / VOIP - over IP

We recommend an Onsite Survey. A survey is chargable, but if you accept the estimate for the works, we Credit the full amount of the survey back to you.

  1. To book an onsite Survey Please Click here: https://cumbriacommunications.co.uk/broadband-survey-cumbria-2g-3g-4g-5g/


  • Prices vary significantly due to property layout, landscape, internet connections and so on

Keywords: wifi, guest network, farm, long range, wireless internet, 4g, broadband extend, mast, beam


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